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2015 Issue

By Jennifer Winters, Director
Play is the answer to the question, ‘How does…
By Colin Johnson, Head Teacher
By Lydia Itoi, Journalist and Bing Parent
By Todd Erickson, Head Teacher
By Nancy Howe, Head Teacher
I dream my painting and then paint my dream. …
By Chia-wa Yeh, Head Teacher and Research Coordinator
By Janine Zacharia, Journalist and Bing Parent
By Betsy Koning, Teacher
By Colin Johnson, Head Teacher
By Nancy Howe, Head Teacher, Todd Erickson, Emma McCarthy and Sheilan Kazzaz, Teachers
By Nandini Bhattacharjya, Head Teacher, and Betsy Koning, Teacher
By Mark Mabry, Head Teacher
Visitors to our classroom—prospective parents,…
Bing School’s playground renovation project, begun in 2014, will be completed in December…
By Anna Patterson, Teacher
By Andrea Fewster and Brianna Kirby, Teachers
The second season of the performance series featured three performances: Carnival of…