Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at Bing Nursery School. You can download and print an application here, and mail your application and fee, or drop it off in the Bing office.
Please include a non-refundable $50.00 Application Fee which is NOT applicable to tuition charges if your child is enrolled at Bing Nursery School. (Please make checks payable to Bing Nursery School.) For current tuition rates, please see tuition page
Once you have submitted an application for your child, and it has been processed, you will be contacted by the office to join one of our regularly scheduled parent tours held throughout the year. Tours are a time to have your questions answered and to see our programs in active session. Submitting an application for your child is not a guarantee that your child will be offered enrollment. We accept applications at all times of year, and at any time after the birth of the child.
Our programs are designed to facilitate Stanford faculty research both through observation and participation. Class enrollments are made to ensure equal distribution of boys and girls, and diversity such as a spread of age groups, special needs, and ethnic backgrounds.
Openings may be filled according to the following priorities:
- Currently enrolled children
- Siblings of currently enrolled children and siblings of previously enrolled children
- Children of Stanford faculty, staff, and students
- Children of Stanford alumni and the general public
After all of the above priorities and characteristics have been considered, applicants are contacted for enrollment by mail, phone or e-mail. If an applicant family cannot accept the enrollment offered, the child's name can be retained in the applicant pool for later consideration. The major enrollment periods are at the start of the summer and fall quarters. Other enrollment takes place on a rolling basis as openings become available throughout the year. Openings are filled according to age requirements, class needs and enrollment priorities until all classes are filled.