Past Researcher Profiles

By Chia-wa Yeh, Head Teacher and Research Coordinator

“Cow!” a 3-year-old exclaimed, pointing to the picture of a bison. Her parent said, “It’s sort of a cow,” and went on to explain that it’s really a bison. How might the…

By Chia-wa Yeh, Head Teacher and Research Coordinator

What might be an effective way to help children learn about nutrition? Is it possible to teach young children biological concepts about food and nutrition? If so, does it make a…

By Chia-wa Yeh, Head Teacher and Research Coordinator

How do demonstrations of how something works influence young children’s expectations about how things will work in the future? Does giving children cues about what to pay attention…

By Chia-wa Yeh, Head Teacher and Research Coordinator


Are bilingual children more sensitive to non-verbal gestures in communication than monolingual children? Are they better able to interpret speakers’ intent? These…

By Chia-wa Yeh, Head Teacher and Research Coordinator

How do children learn that more than one mouse is “mice,” not “mouses”? Or for that matter, that more than one tooth is “teeth,” not “tooths”? Inbal Arnon, a fourth-year…

By Chia-wa Yeh, Head Teacher and Research Coordinator

Many children at Bing Nursery School have met Allison Master, a 3rd year graduate student in psychology at Stanford University. Gentle and attentive, Master and her research…

By Chia-wa Yeh, Research Coordinator and Head Teacher

Stanford psychology student Andrei Cimpian spends much of his time at Bing Nursery School. He can often be seen reading stories at snack time and pushing children on the swings. In…

By Chia-wa Yeh, Research Coordinator and Head Teacher

Bing Nursery School is the laboratory school for the psychology department at Stanford University. Since its inception in 1966, Bing has supported a robust body of scientific…

By Chia-wa Yeh, Research Coordinator and Teacher

During spring quarter, thirty-two Bing children each had a turn sitting across a table from a silver-haired, soft-spoken man who read storybooks and drew pictures of the…

By Chia-wa Yeh, Research Coordinator and Teacher

Eve Clark is professor of linguistics and symbolic systems at Stanford University. She has been conducting research at Bing Nursery School since the 1970s. Hundreds of…