Water Conservation in West PM

Reporting by Sara Tamony, Teacher

With the current drought, Bing’s teachers have been talking with the children about what a drought is and the importance of using water responsibly in the classroom, both indoors and outside. The children see water conservation in action as teachers recycle water outside and include children in the process. Water first used for pretend cooking is then used for other activities such as making rivers. Teachers and children also pour leftover water into the gardens and grass. We made a sign saying “Severe Drought: Please help us save water” and posted it in the sand area near the water bucket. This sparked conversations about the drought and generated ways that we can save water at Bing.

How do we use water?

• For drinking

• Washing hands

• Taking a bath

• Using the sink

• Watering plants

• Washing clothes

How do we save water at Bing?

“We could try to not use a lot.”–Olivia

“Not spilling and being careful.”–Kalea

“We could recycle the water…like putting it on plants.”–Amina

“Well, maybe we could not dump so much water in the sand area.”–Andres

“Maybe we could use the same water over and over again.”–Julian

“By not putting a lot of water in the buckets so other kids know.”–Ollie

“We can put water that’s leftover in the plants.”–Kieran

“Take a tiny bit…the size of a mouse.”–Stephanie

“By not wasting any.”–Daniel

“Not use as much. Turn off the sink and hose when you’re not using it.”–Kashi

“You should turn off the water when you are done using it.”–Evera

“We could have a can and a gutter and a spout and we can save water and get water from the rain.”–Alexander