Distinguished Lecture: “The Developmental Roots of the Gender Gaps in Science and Engineering: Children’s Stereotypes about Intellectual Ability”


Common stereotypes associate high-level, “raw” intellectual ability (brilliance, genius, etc.) with men more than women. These stereotypes discourage women’s pursuit of many prestigious careers, including those in science and engineering. But the roots of these disparities stretch back to childhood: In my talk, I will present evidence suggesting that “brilliance = men” stereotypes are acquired early—almost as soon as children enter school—and become stronger with age. Once acquired, gender stereotypes about raw ability begin to erode girls’ confidence that they can succeed in domains where such ability is valued; they also predict girls’ lower interest in such domains. These findings suggest that gendered notions of brilliance are acquired early and are likely to play a role in shaping the gender gaps observed in science and engineering.

Andrei Cimpian is associate professor of psychology at New York University. He studies social-cognitive development. In particular, his research investigates the mental representations that underlie children’s (1) explanations for what they observe around them, (2) motivation in school, and (3) concepts of natural kinds and social groups. His research has been published in journals such as Science, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, and Psychological Science, and covered by media outlets such as The New York Times, The Atlantic, and Scientific American.